Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

January, 2014
Educational "Resolutions"

Dear LP Families,

     Happy 2014!  The school year, as it so often does, seems to be flying by.    As we all know, so many of us make New Year’s resolutions that we have every intention of keeping, but in the end, lose our momentum and fail to follow through.  However, here at LP, we are looking at the beginning of 2014 as a time to take stock and take a fresh look at the resolutions ( ie: goals) our teachers and administrators set at the start of the year.

     This school year, each of our teachers has developed an SGO, or Student Growth Objective, in one or two areas, depending on the grade they teach.  (SGO’s are a part of the new teacher evaluation system in NJ called ACHIEVE NJ.   K-3 teachers and specialists must create two, while 4-5 teachers must create one.)  Unlike resolutions, which are easily forgotten a few weeks in to the year, our SGO’s or student goals are continually being re-assessed and adjusted.  Our teachers are looking at data and student learning on a regular basis to see how our students are progressing towards those goals.  We have set checkpoints during the year to see how we are doing on our goals.  This winter stretch into spring, aside from the occasional snow day and Monday holiday, allows us a nice long period of uninterrupted instruction. 

     One of my goals for LP is to increase communication and parent involvement.   This “Principal’s Office” blog will be a regular part of my communication strategy.  Please check back regularly for various blog topics on Livingston Park topics  and other important educational topics that you might be curious to know more about.   

I am scheduling the rest of our monthly Coffees and Conversation dates.  Check our website for a complete list of dates.   These are held at 8:15 am in the multi-purpose room and allow for parents to come in and chat with the Principal and Director on any pressing issues or concerns before they have to go in to work.   It is a time for open dialogue and a sharing of ideas – no agenda. 
In addition, I am putting together a Parent Advisory Council, or PAC.  The PAC will be open to any parents interested in participating.  We will meet during the day and work together to find ways to engage more parents and to strengthen our community ties.  

Here’s to a 2014 full of learning and goals achieved for ALL of Livingston Park students!

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